Karnataka Village Administrative Officer Exam Question Paper

Karnataka Village Administrative Officer Exam Question Paper

The Karnataka Village Administrative Officer (VAO) is responsible for overseeing revenue administration, land records, and local governance in rural areas. Their duties include assisting with land surveys, maintaining village accounts, and ensuring smooth implementation of government schemes at the village level.


1. How many judges of the supreme court have been removed from their office before 

   the expiry of normal term through impeachment?

   (1) Only one

   (2) Two

   (3) Three

   (4) None

   Ans:(4) None

2. The Directive Principles of State Policy are 

   (1) Part 3 of the Constitution

   (2) Part 4 of the Constitution

   (3) Schedule 7 of the Constitution

   (4) All the above parts

   Ans:(2) Part 4 of the Constitution

3. How many seats are reserved for the members of the Scheduled Tribes in the Lok Sabha?

   (1) 27

   (2) 37

   (3) 47

   (4) 57

   Ans:(3) 47

4. The British Cabinet Mission which came to India in 1946 did not have as its member

   (1) Lord Pethick-Lawrence  

   (2) Sir Stafford Cripps

   (3) A.V Alexander

   (4) Campbell Johnson

   Ans: (4) Campbell Johnson

5. The second session of the Round Table Conference broke down on the question of

   (1) Gandhiji’s fast unto death

   (2) Seperate electorate for the minorities

   (3) Gandhiji not being treated on equal terms with the representatives of the king’s empire

   (4) Governments’s unwillingness to release all political prisoners

   Ans:(2) Seperate electorate for the minorities

6. Match the List 1 (Disease) with the List 2 (Organisms): 

    List 1                 List 2

   (Disease)             (Organisms)

 A.Malaria                1.Fungi

 B.Poliomyelitis          2.Bacteria

 C.Tuberculosis           3.Virus

 D.Ringworm               4.Protozoa


 Select the code for the correct answer from the options given below

       A     B     C    D

   (1) 1     2     3    4

   (2) 4     3     2    1

   (3) 3     4     1    2

   (4) 4     3     1    2

  Ans:(2) 4     3     2    1

7. Which of the following vectors spreads the kala-azar in human beings?

  (1) Mosquito

  (2) Sand fly

  (3) House fly

  (4) Ticks

  Ans:(2) Sand fly

8. Milk is transformed in the form of curd due to

  (1) Mycobacterium

  (2) Staphylococcus

  (3) Lactobacillus

  (4) Yeast

  Ans:(3) Lactobacillus

9. Which of the following Fundamental Rights is restrained by any of the Preventive 

   Detection Acts?

  (1) Right to Religion

  (2) Right to Constitutional Remedies

  (3) Right to Freedom

  (4) Right to Equality

  Ans:(3) Right to Freedom

10. In order to find Social acceptance in South Africa, Gandhiji suggested his family to

    dress like which community once they reached South Africa?

   (1) Muslims

   (2) Paris

   (3) British

   (4) Jews

  Ans:Grace marks

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