Top Indian History GK Questions to Sharpen Your Knowledge

Top Indian History GK Questions to Sharpen Your Knowledge

Indian History

India’s rich history spans ancient civilizations, powerful empires, and independence movements. For instance, it is home to iconic rulers like Ashoka and Akbar, who shaped its cultural and political landscape. Moreover, India’s freedom struggle, led by figures such as Mahatma Gandhi, culminated in independence from British rule in 1947.

India’s rich and diverse history, spanning from the ancient Indus Valley Civilization to the British Raj, reflects its deep cultural roots and dynamic political evolution. Over the course of centuries, powerful empires such as the Mauryas, Guptas, and Mughals rose to prominence, significantly contributing to the country’s architectural, artistic, and intellectual heritage.

1) Who was the first emperor of the Maurya Dynasty ?

Ans ; Chandragupta Maurya

2) Which ancient text is known as the ” Arthashastra” ?

Ans : A treatiseon statecraft and military strategy written by Kautilya ( Chanakaya)

3) Who was the founder of the Gupta Empire ?

Ans : Sri Gupta

4) Which Mughal emperor built the Taj Mahal ?

Ans : Shah Jahan

5) Who was the first woman to rule Delhi Sultanate ?

Ans : Razia Sultana

6) Who was the last governor- general of independent India ?

Ans : C. Rajagopalachari

7) In which yeardid India gain independece from British rule ?

Ans : 1947

8) Who led the Salt March in 1930 ?

Ans : Mahatma Gandhi

9) Who was the founder of the Indian National Congress ?

Ans : A.O. Hume

10) Whta was the original name of swami Vivekananda ?

Ans : Narendranath Datta

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