Blossoms of India: A Guide to State Flowers Across the Nation

India is known for its rich biodiversity and cultural heritage, and each state has its unique state flower, symbolizing its natural beauty and ecological significance. Here is a list of the state flowers of Indian states along with brief explanations:

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Andhra Pradesh

Jasmine (Jasminum sambac) : Known for its sweet fragrance, jasmine is often used in traditional rituals and as an offering in temples. It symbolizes purity and love.

Arunachal Pradesh

Foxtail Orchid (Rhynchostylis retusa) : This beautiful orchid is known for its dense, cylindrical flower clusters. It symbolizes beauty and elegance.


Rhynchostylis Retusa (Kopou Phool) : Known for its unique appearance and fragrance, it plays a significant role in Assamese culture and traditions.


Kachnar (Bauhinia variegata) : This tree produces beautiful pink and white flowers that are valued for their medicinal properties and are also used in culinary dishes.

Blossoms of India: A Guide to State Flowers Across the Nation


Rhynchostylis Gigantea : A beautiful and fragrant orchid species, it represents the rich biodiversity of the state’s forests.


Lagerstroemia speciosa :

Known for its vibrant purple blooms, this tree is also highly valued for its medicinal properties. Moreover, its beauty and therapeutic benefits make it a significant part of traditional practices.


Marigold : Widely used in festivals and religious ceremonies, marigold indicates auspiciousness and prosperity.

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Lotus : The lotus is a symbol of purity and enlightenment, often associated with various Hindu and Buddhist deities.

Himachal Pradesh

Pink Rhododendron : Known for its stunning pink blooms, this flower is found in the high altitudes of Himachal Pradesh and Represents beauty and resilience.


Palash : Also known as the Flame of the Forest, this vibrant orange-red flower is used in traditional Holi celebrations.


Lotus : Like Haryana, the lotus Represents purity and spiritual enlightenment in Karnataka.

Blossoms of India: A Guide to State Flowers Across the Nation


Golden Shower (Cassia fistula) : Known locally as “Kanikkonna,” this flower blooms during the Vishu festival and is a symbol of prosperity.

Madhya Pradesh

Parrot Tree : Similar to Jharkhand, this tree is valued for its vibrant flowers and cultural significance in festivals.


Jarul : Also known as the Pride of India, and also its vibrant purple flowers represents the beauty and diversity of Maharashtra’s flora.


Shirui Lily : This rare and beautiful lily is endemic to the Shirui Hill range in Manipur and symbo the unique biodiversity of the region.


Lady’s Slipper Orchid (Paphiopedilum insigne) : Known for its distinctive slipper-shaped blooms, this orchid Express the rich floral diversity of Meghalaya.


Red Vanda (Vanda coerulea) : This orchid is known for its vibrant red flowers and represents the exotic flora of Mizoram.


Rhododendron :

This tree is known for its bright red flowers and represented the beauty of Nagaland’s mountainous regions.

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Ashoka (Saraca asoca) : The Ashoka tree produces beautiful yellow-orange flowers and is sacred in Hindu and Buddhist traditions.


Gladiolus (Gladiolus spp.) : Known for its tall spikes of bright flowers, gladiolus Represents strength and moral integrity.


Rohira (Tecomella undulata) :

This tree produces bright yellow flowers and is adapted to the arid conditions of Rajasthan, Represnetes resilience.


Noble Orchid (Cymbidium goeringii) :

This known orchid is known for its delicate beauty and represents the rich floral diversity of Sikkim.

Tamil Nadu

Gloriosa Lily (Gloriosa superba) :

Known locally as “Karthigaipoo,” this striking flower is used in traditional medicine and symbolizes glory and pride.


Tangedu (Senna auriculata) : This flower is used in traditional medicine and symbolizes the state’s natural beauty.


Nageshwar (Mesua ferrea) : This evergreen tree produces fragrant white flowers and symbolizes purity and beauty.

Uttar Pradesh

Palash : Like in Jharkhand and Madhya Pradesh, this vibrant flower is culturally significant and used in festivals.


Brahma Kamal : This flower blooms at high altitudes and is used in religious ceremonies, symbolizing purity and spirituality.

West Bengal

Night-flowering Jasmine : Known locally as “Parijat,” this fragrant flower blooms at night and symbolizes devotion and love.

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These state flowers highlight the ecological diversity and cultural richness of India, each representing unique aspects of the natural heritage and traditional values of their respective states.

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