Jammu and Kashmir Chronicles: Top 100 General Knowledge Questions

Jammu and Kashmir Chronicles: Top 100 General Knowledge Questions

Science and Technology

  1. Q: Which prominent research institution is located in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir?
    A: University of Kashmir
  2. Q: What is the main focus of the Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology in Jammu and Kashmir?
    A: Agricultural research and education
  3. Q: Which institute in Jammu and Kashmir focuses on space research?
    A: There is no specific space research institute in Jammu and Kashmir, but ISRO has its presence in the state.
  4. Q: Which IT park in Jammu and Kashmir aims to promote the growth of the IT sector?
    A: Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) in Jammu
  5. Q: What is the primary objective of the Jammu and Kashmir e-Governance Agency (J&K eGA)?
    A: To enhance digital governance and services
  6. Q: Which city in Jammu and Kashmir is known for its advancements in agricultural research?
    A: Srinagar
  7. Q: What is the main aim of the Jammu and Kashmir Innovation Initiatives (JKII)?
    A: To promote innovation and entrepreneurship
  8. Q: Which institute in Jammu and Kashmir focuses on renewable energy research?
    A: Jammu and Kashmir Energy Development Agency (JAKEDA)
  9. Q: What is the focus of the Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University in Jammu and Kashmir?
    A: Higher education and research in various fields
  10. Q: Which initiative aims to promote innovation and startups in Jammu and Kashmir?
    A: Startup India J&K Yatra
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