Karnataka Village Administrative Officer Exam Question Paper

Karnataka Village Administrative Officer Exam Question Paper

21. The National Panchayati Raj Diwas is celebrated on which date in India?

   (1) 22 April

   (2) 23 April

   (3) 24 April

   (4) 25 April

  Ans:(3) 24 April

22. The People of India agitated against the Simon Commission because

   (1) Indians never wanted the review of the working of the Act of 1919

   (2) Simons Commission recommended the abolition of dyarchy in the provinces

   (3) There was no Indian member in the Simon Commission

   (4) The Simon Commission suggested the partition of the country

  Ans:(3) There was no Indian member in the Simon Commission

23. What will follow if a money bill is substantially amended by the Rajya Sabha?

   (1) The Lok Sabha may still proceed with the bill accepting or not accepting

       the recommendation of the Rajya Sabha

   (2) The Lok Sabha cannot consider the bill further

   (3) The Lok Sabha may send the bill to the Rajya Sabha for consideration

   (4) The President may call for a joint sitting for passing the bill

  Ans:(1) The Lok Sabha may still proceed with the bill accepting or not accepting

       the recommendation of the Rajya Sabha

24. Variation in the length of day-time and night-time from season to season are due to

   (1) The Earth’s rotation on its axis

   (2) The Earth’s revolution around the Sun in an elliptical manner

   (3) Latitudinal position of the place

   (4) Revolution of the Earth on a tilted axis

  Ans:(4) Revolution of the Earth on a tilted axis

25. Match the gems of Akbar’s court (List 1) with what they are known for (List 2):

      List 1                List 2

    A. Abul Fazal           1. Known for his wit and Humour

    B. Birbal               2. A historian and chronicler of Akbarnama

    C. Tansen               3. A Scholar and Poet laureate of Akbar

    D. Faizi                4. Court musician of Akbar

  Select the code for the correct answer from the options given below:

      A     B      C      D

  (1) 1     3      4      2

  (2) 2     1      4      3

  (3) 2     3      1      4

  (4) 3     4      1      2

  Ans:(2) 2     1      4      3

26. The Confederation of Real Estate Developers Association of India(CREDAI) has 

    recently signed an MoU with State Bank of India(SBI) to provide concessional 

    loans for housing projects, Where is the headquarter of CREDAI?

   (1) Kochi

   (2) Pune

   (3) New Delhi

   (4) Chennai

  Ans:(3) New Delhi

27. Matrch the cities (List 1) with the countries (List 2):

       List 1              List 2

     (cities)           (Countries)

    A. Atlanta           1. Canada

    B. Rio de Janeiro    2. Spain

    C. Barcelona         3. Brazil

    D. Montreal          4. USA

                         5. Panama

  Select the code for the correct answer from the options given below

            A       B       C       D

        (1) 4       3       2       1

        (2) 4       2       1       3

        (3) 5       3       1       4

        (4) 3       4       5       2

  Ans:(1) 4       3       2       1

28. The 15th edition of Indo-French Naval exercise “Varuna” has been conducted

    at which of the following ports recently?

   (1) Port of Quilon

   (2) Vishakapatnam port

   (3) Kochi port

   (4) Toulon port

  Ans:(4) Toulon port 

29. Match the International Observances(List 1) with their Dates(List 2):

       List 1                                  List 2

     (International Observances)              (Dates)

   A. International Day of Charity            1. 24th October

   B. United Nations(UN) Day                  2. 5th September

   C. Humans Rights Day                       3. 8th March

   D. International Women’s Day               4. 10th December

  Select the code for correct answer from the options given below:

         A     B      C       D 

     (1) 1     3      4       2

     (2) 2     1      4       3

     (3) 2     3      1       4

     (4) 3     4      1       2

  Ans:(2) 2     1      4       3

30. Which of the following companies has acquired e-Bay’s India operations?

     (1) Flipkart

     (2) Amazon

     (3) Snapdeal

     (4) PayTM


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