Karnataka Village Administrative Officer Exam Question Paper

Karnataka Village Administrative Officer Exam Question Paper

31. An island 15 miles from Mumbai, is famous for the statues of Shiva and 

    Parvati. The most striking statue of Trimurti is seen here. Identify the Place.

    (1) Ellora caves

    (2) Elephant caves

    (3) Ajanta caves

    (4) Badami caves

  Ans:(1) Ellora caves

32. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?

   (1) Automobile Industry-Los Angeles

   (2) Ship building-Lusaka

   (3) Aircraft Industry-Seattle

   (4) Iron and Steel Industry-Florence

  Ans:(3) Aircraft Industry-Seattle

33. Match the players (List 1) with the games they are associated (List 2):

         List 1                     List 2

       (players)          (Games they are associated with)

     A. Dola Banerjee         1. Badminton

     B. Aparna Popat          2. Archery

     C. Anuja Thakur          3. Chess

     D. Parimarjan Negi       4. Snooker 

                              5. Squash

  Select the code for the correct answerfrom the options given below

         A       B       C       D

     (1) 1       2       3       4

     (2) 2       1       3       4

     (3) 2       1       4       3

     (4) 1       2       4       3

  Ans:(3) 2       1       4       3

34. Aquaregia used by alchemists to seperate silver and gold is a mixture of

   (1) Concentrated nitric acid (HNO3) and concentrated sulphuric acid(H2SO4)

   (2) Concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCL) and concentrated sulphuric acid (H2SO4)

   (3) concentrated nitric acid (HNO3) and concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCL)

   (4) Diluted nitric acid (HNO3) and diluted hydrochloric acid (HCL)

  Ans:(3) concentrated nitric acid (HNO3) and concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCL)

35. Red phosporous is used in the manufacture of safety matches. This is due to which

    of the following facts?

   (1) It shows phosphorenscene

   (2) At ordinary temperature it is less reactive than other varieties of phosporous

   (3) It cannot be converted to white phosphprous on heating

   (4) It does not react with halogens on heating 

  Ans:(2) At ordinary temperature it is less reactive than other varieties of phosporous

36. Consider the following statements:

  A. Acid rain is caused by the emission of Carbon Dioxide, Sulphur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxides.

  B. The most important gas which leads to acidification in Sulphur Dioxide.

  Which of the above statements are correct?

  Select the code for the correct answer from the options given below:

  (1) A only

  (2) B only 

  (3) Both A and B

  (4) Neither A and B

  Ans:(3) Both A and B

37. Which one of the following statements is not correct?

   (1) Conduction can occur easily in solids, less easily in liquids, but hardly at all in gases.

   (2) Heat energy is carried by moving particles in convectional current

   (3) Heat energy is carried by electromagnetic waves in radiation

   (4) The temperature at which solid changes into a liquid is called the boiling point

  Ans:(4) The temperature at which solid changes into a liquid is called the boiling point

38. According to theories given by which of the following experts, human population is unchecked grows at a 

    geometric rate and food supply at the best only increases at an arithmetic rate?

   (1) Herbal spencer

   (2) Malthus

   (3) Karl Marx

   (4) de Castro

  Ans:(2) Malthus

39.Consider the following surface winds:

   (A) Doldrums

   (B) Trade winds

   (C) Westerlies

   (D) Polar winds

  Which one among the following is the idealized global pattern of these winds

  from equator to the pole?

   (1) A,B,C,D

   (2) A,C,B,D

   (3) B,A,D,C

   (4) C,A,B,D

  Ans:(1) A,B,C,D

40. Each day is more or less the time. The morning is clear and bright with a sea breeze;

    as the sun climbs high in the sky, heat mounts up, dark clouds form, then rain comes

    with lightning and thunder. But rain is soon over.

    Which of the following regions is described in the above passage

   (1) Savannah

   (2) Equatorial

   (3) Tundra

   (4) Mediterranean

  Ans:(4) Mediterranean

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