Karnataka Village Administrative Officer Exam Question Paper

Karnataka Village Administrative Officer Exam Question Paper

61. Amnesty International is 

   (1) An agency of United Nations to help refugees of civil wars

   (2) A non global Human movement

   (3) A non-governmental voluntary organization to help very poor people

   (4) An inter-governmental agency to cater to medical emergies in war ravaged regions

  Ans:(2) A non global Human movement

62. Match the stadium (List 1) with the city where they are located  (List 2):

         List 1                                 List 2

       (Stadium)                                (City)

     A. Wankade Stadium                      1. Jamshedpur

     B. Keenan Stadium                       2. Mumbai

     C. Green Park Stadium                   3. Lucknow

     D. Dhyan Chand Astroturf Stadium        4. Kanpur

  Select the code for the correct answer from the options given below:

           A      B     C      D

        (1)1      2     3       4

        (2)2      1     4       3

        (3)2      1     3       4

        (4)1      2     4       3

   Ans:(2)2      1     4       3

63. Which of the following are the principles of Panchayat?

    A. Peaceful-existence

    B. Mutual protection of the environment

    C. Mutual protection of indegenous population

    D. Mutual non-aggression

  Select the code for the correct answer from the options given below:

  (1) B and C only

  (2) A and B only

  (3) A, B and D only

  (4) A and D only

  Ans:(4) A and D only

64. Match the given power plants (List 1) with the type of power generation they do (List 2):

              List 1                      List 2

         (Power Plant)                (Type of Poweer Generation)

         A. Kalpakkam                   1. Thermal Power Project

         B. Calcutta                    2. Nuclear Power Project

         C. Koyna                       3. Tidal Power Project

         D. Kamuthi                     4. Hydro Power Project

                                        5. Solar Power Project

  Select the code for the correct answer from the options given below:

           A        B         C         D

       (1) 2        1         4         3

       (2) 2        1         5         4

       (3) 2        1         4         5

       (4) 1        2         4         3

   Ans:(1) 2        1         4         3

65. Which of the following are four most popular countries of the world in the 

    descending order of the population?

     (1) China, India, USA and Indonesia 

     (2) China, India, Indonesia and USA

     (3) China, India USA and Russia

     (4) China, India Brazil and USA

  Ans:(1) China, India, USA and Indonesia  

66. Which one of the following groups depicts the ascending order of the 

    states in terms of sex ratio according to Census 2011?

    (1) Punjab, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Jharkhand

    (2) Gujarat, Punjab, Jharkhand and Maharashtra 

    (3) Punjab, Maharashtra, Jharkhand and Gujarat

    (4) Gujarat, Maharashtra, Punjab and Jharkhand

  Ans:(1) Punjab, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Jharkhand

67. He abolished all the taxes not sanctioned by the Shariat. He was the first ruler who

    collected Jaziya tax for non-Muslims as a seperate tax apart land revenue. He odrered 

    for all the paintings with humans figures to be erased from his place. His concept of 

    development, both agricultural and urban, was strikingly modern. The description given 

    here fits to which of the following rulers?

    (1) Ala-ud-din Khilji 

    (2) Arurangazeb

    (3) Firoz Shah Tughlaq

    (4) Muhammad bin Tughlaq

  Ans:(3) Firoz Shah Tughlaq

68.Iltutmish followed by the policy of neutrality when Mangbarni asked for help against the 

   Mangols for which of the following reasons?

   (1) He was not strong enough to help him

   (2) He did not like Mangbarni

   (3) He did not want to drag his infant kingdom into 

       Central Asian Politics

   (4) He was scared of Mangols

  Ans:(3) He did not want to drag his infant kingdom into 

       Central Asian Politics

69. Which king of slave dynasty was an expert calligraphist and spent his leisure time 

    coping Quaran?

   (1) Balban

   (2) Iltutmish

   (3) Nasir-ud-din

   (4) Bahramshah

  Ans:(3) Nasir-ud-din

70. The dead body of Babur was buried according to his own wishes in which of the following places?

   (1) Kabul

   (2) Peshawar

   (3) Delhi

   (4) Agra

  Ans:(1) Kabul

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